Offshore Energy
Site Feasibility Services
Juno Energy provides a comprehensive service answering the key feasibility questions for a potential site.
Our feasibility studies comprise engineering, informal stakeholder consultation and evaluation of environmental considerations and are part of a staged development process with clear deliverables.
We can help you by using our experience to understand the potential annual energy that can be extracted from your site and estimate the project costs.
Appropriate survey techniques are used to allow array layout design and optimisation to give the best energy yields.
Our approach uses early consultation to understand any likely concerns from stakeholders the level of environmental sensitivity of the proposed site.
EIA Management Services
Juno Energy provides a turnkey consenting service based on our previous experience of license applications for a commercial array of solar, wind or tidal turbines.
A multi-disciplinary team is assembled to manage the EIA resulting in the provision of all documentation for the marine license application including; Environmental Statement, Navigational Risk Assessment and Decommissioning plan.
There is a range of in-house expertise within Juno and close links with a range of project partners to support wider aspects of the EIA.
Juno Energy has experience of stakeholder consultation and discussions with regulators to address concerns and has successfully applied for a Crown Estate agreement for sea bed lease on behalf of a client on two occasions.
Juno Energy
We are energy specialists supporting commercial and community projects.